Uber for Business and GBTA report: The Current State of Business Travel

An in-depth exploration of business traveler and travel manager priorities

Business travel has recovered since the COVID-19 pandemic. But evolving work patterns, sustainability outlooks, and traveler expectations have shifted how business travelers and travel managers approach corporate travel and its policies—with varying degrees of alignment.

Today, business travel is more intentional, with an increased focus on sustainability, work-life integration, and cost savings. These are the findings of a new report that explores the sentiments of travel managers and business travelers on these topics and more.

What's most important to businesses about travel now

This new research, from Uber for Business and GBTA, the world’s largest professional travel association, aims to uncover what’s key to organizations and their employees at this pivotal time.

Based on a quantitative study of travel managers and business travelers in the US and Canada, the report shows that business travel remains essential to attaining business goals.

To learn about all the new findings, fill out the form to download our report, The Current State of Business Travel: Business Traveler and Travel Manager Priorities.

What travel managers and travelers agree (and disagree) on

The journey is the destination

Agree: Alleviating traveler stress

Business travelers can experience personal challenges when traveling for work, including being away from family and/or pets (60%). Three-quarters (74%) of travel managers say they consider and evaluate travel-related stress-relieving perks for their employees.

Disagree: Digging into sustainability

More than 60% of business travelers state that limiting or reducing carbon emissions is a priority. Meanwhile, half of North American travel managers say sustainability is a small priority (27%), if even a priority at all (22%).

Agree: Using rideshare

Three-quarters (74%) of North American business travelers say they at least occasionally use a rideshare app while on business travel. Travel managers cite improved data and reporting, improved risk management and duty of care, and cost savings as the top 3 benefits of having a corporate rideshare account.

Download the report for insights on sustainability, cost-savings, and business traveler sentiment